

你们设施的使用者期望有一个安全、清洁和吸引人的环境. 事实上, 干净的酒店或汽车旅馆是五星级评价的来源,也是你的设施总是满负荷运转的原因. With State’s service-oriented model, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站确保您的客房部团队有他们需要的一切,为您的客人提供干净的床单, 有效的清洁用品和空气清新剂,留下持久的印象.



洗衣 Optimization

洗衣 Optimization

无论您是在寻找一个内部或工业洗衣程序, 国家将与您合作,定制系统,以满足您的设施的需求. 国家先进预处理的完整生产线, 洗涤剂和斑点剂延长您的亚麻和设备的寿命. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的团队配备齐全,随时准备帮助您优化成本和产品消耗. From low to high temperature machines, hard or soft water, our comprehensive line of liquids, 粉末和固体帮助你减少重新清洗和保持你的亚麻布蓬松更长时间.

Cleaning with confidence

Cleaning with confidence

干净、维护良好的空间为建筑居住者和游客创造了积极的印象. Contributing to healthier, more inviting spaces, 国家提供广泛的系列特殊配方固体, 液体和粉末化工产品,以满足您的设施的每一个需求, including cleaning, disinfection and floor care. 通过精确的稀释控制,您可以最大限度地节省每个房间的清洁成本. Additionally, State’s line of ready-to-use products give you the opportunity to expand your housekeeping cart with specialty cleaners and air fresheners that arm your team with everything they need turn over spaces quickly.

Air Freshening

Air Freshening

顾客走进你的前门的那一刻就是他们对你的设施的第一印象. 即使你的地板闪闪发光,你的装饰茶几上没有灰尘, 如果空气中有一丝异味, 他们会立刻认为你的设施不干净. 国家专家的气味解决方案给你的优势,也消除了任何挥之不去的异味. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的大空间环境香味系统为您的客户营造氛围. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的小空间香氛系统让卫生间、健身中心和更多的地方闻起来清新. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的即用型除臭剂使污渍处理变得轻而易举.



Let's survey your facility together



自2007年以来,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站一直使用State进行排水和下水道处理以及与维护相关的服务, housekeeping and odor control/enhancement. 多年来,他们一直是澳门威尼斯人赌城网站业务的重要资产,并成为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站真正的合作伙伴. 产品工作非常好,他们的服务是无与伦比的.

Mike Cahill, Operations Manager Key Bank, Columbus, OH

州有广泛和有效的排水护理管道, especially Drain Rocket™, Scram® and Sludge Hammer™.

Ernest Montelone, Facilities Manager St. Albans Veterans Hospital

State has been servicing the Autoliv facility for approximately five years and has helped solve several issues regarding water quality.

Emilio Massanisso,高级维修主管,CMA注册会计师

在使用国家稀释系统和产品方面,我比业内任何其他公司都更成功. I love the touchless, spill-free system. 它为我的员工提供了一种安全、经济、简便的方式来携带和更换每件产品

克里斯Lonis Anglophone School District South

国家在提供质量方面做得更好, government-approved water treatment, aerosol lubricants and cleaning products. The company follows up after every sale to ensure that the products are performing as expected and that we are satisfied with the result. 国家甚至帮助澳门威尼斯人赌城网站管理澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的产品库存,确保澳门威尼斯人赌城网站不会耗尽澳门威尼斯人赌城网站需要的项目.

Jan VanderHout, President Beverly 温室

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的国家客户经理做生意总是很愉快. She is very helpful. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站对所订购的产品非常满意. 她也很擅长为其他产品提供建议. 总的来说,我很高兴能继续和她做生意.

Eric Gonzales, Warehouse Manager

Over the years, our local State account manager has reduced our chemical costs and improved the operational effectiveness of our systems.

Emilio Massanisso,高级维修主管,CMA注册会计师

Our State 工业 account manager has always done an outstanding job of keeping our dispensing systems in working order and well stocked. 她总是检查新的产品线,并推荐有助于澳门威尼斯人赌城网站日常商店运作的化学品. She is a very pleasant person to deal with, always professional and has a friendly, outgoing attitude.

Rick Gee, Fleet 服务s Manager City of San Marcos

鲨鱼™, D-stroy®, Shut Your Trap™ and Floor Wizard™ EZ Guard are just a few of my favorite problem-solving specialty products. 他们是我职业生涯中从未见过的! 对于任何有清洁需求的人,我强烈推荐State!

克里斯Lonis Anglophone School District South

One Solution™系统是一种创新的一站式家政清洁产品. 其调整和调节稀释过程的能力使其成为安全的, 灌装瓶子和拖把桶时的有效和经济的方法. 当将国家产品与水混合时,它消除了所有的猜测.

Jay Verneris, Maintenance Director 克利尔沃特 at Riverpark

Colasanti农场已经和State合作了十多年了. 他们一直在协助澳门威尼斯人赌城网站处理锅炉和污水管道. 在他们的化学品和澳门威尼斯人赌城网站客户经理的专业指导之间, we have had a successful outcome.

Anton Dijkhuizen, Maintenance Supervisor Colasanti Farms Ltd

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站当地的州客户经理随时可以回答问题或提供支持, whether it requires a visit, 引进其他国家专家或者提出建议,协助解决问题.

Emilio Massanisso,高级维修主管,CMA注册会计师

I have been a customer of State since 2016. 这家公司、产品和员工都很棒! 整个国家让你觉得你是优先考虑的. 我会推荐State来满足你所有的清洁需求.

Crystal Garcia

Our local account manager takes her time in getting to know the work environment as well as the folks she deals with so she can best understand our needs. 她的推荐是诚实的,有出色的产品知识,并坚持自己的销售.

Rick Gee, Fleet 服务s Manager

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站在2018年3月试用了一个月的Fragrance Cube™,效果非常好. 客人们在泳池旁边的大堂里对清新的香味赞不绝口. 这使该区域始终保持清新,员工和客人都很欣赏. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站决定保留魔方,保持快乐.

Dany Gendron, contrrema,装置,rsamcrimades

我在一个无烟的建筑里工作,最近尝试了香氛立方™. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站对空气中的气味在短时间内的变化感到惊讶. 当你走进大楼的时候,你会立刻闻到一股清新宜人的香味. I would highly recommend this product

Darlene Polchie

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站一直在使用BT-128™冷凝水和氧气清除剂来处理澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的锅炉. 在管线处理方面,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站一直使用BWT-S,两种方法的效果都非常成功. For cleaning bearing and tractor parts, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站一直在使用时事零件清洗液,效果令人满意.

Anton Dijkhuizen, Maintenance Supervisor Colasanti Farms Ltd

在枫叶广场公寓工作期间, 国家为许多业主和物业管理集团提供了优质的脱脂产品. Grease-B-Gone®, has help suites and the common property with backups in the kitchen stacks and sanitary lines between scheduled stack cleanings. This product, which can be applied by the on-site staff, 是安全的, 易于使用,并消除了昂贵的管道费用.

Laurent Trembley, General Manager Del Property Management

I love Gel Genie™. It’s amazing. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站把它用在所有东西上,它总能中和气味.

Dewayne, Maintenance Tech Top Golf Course

State and our local State account manager have been instrumental in managing and improving the water quality of our boiler system to improve reliability. One of the most invaluable services has been our account manager’s eagerness to teach our group about water quality management to help us help ourselves. He has been a true partner in this regard.

Emilio Massanisso,高级维修主管,CMA注册会计师

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站非常喜欢租赁办公室和健身房的香氛方块! Our office smells amazing! Thank you for everything!

Megan Billiot, Community Manager, Dolce Living Twin Creeks Apartments

We have been using State for our cooling tower and switched our cleaning chemicals to the One Solution™ dispenser. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站对它的易用性、产品质量和节省成本感到非常满意!

Evaline Vigiletti, Operations Director Fraser Hockeyland

我向该市的其他部门以及该地区的其他机构推荐了State. This is something I do not normally do for vendors and should say something about how much I appreciate both State and our local representative. 我期待着与国务院继续合作多年.

Rick Gee, Fleet 服务s Manager

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站已经使用国家混凝土伴侣®两年了. We use it on our concrete floors and along the walls to eliminate cracks that could provide spaces for insect harborage and cause potential safety issues. 这对食品安全至关重要,并帮助澳门威尼斯人赌城网站确保安全的即食产品.

Ed Wilson, Maintenance Supervisor GE Barbours Inc.

在过去的四年里,我一直在使用State来治疗澳门威尼斯人赌城网站医院里的电梯站. They’ve provided us with great and timely service that has helped us reduce the odors and oil buildup in our pits

Mark Blessing Grant Medical Center

Scentastic™ is Fantastic.

Thomas Farrell, District Manager Hauppauge Fire Department

在我的地毯业务中,我多次使用D-Stroy®和Po2wer™,效果非常好. I couldn't be happier with those products and highly recommend them to anyone wanting to take their service to the next level. My customers are always very pleased to.

迈克·英格利希,高性能清洁服务公司的老板 Cincinnati, OH

I have been using State for some time now. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站尝试过其他产品,但总是回到State. Their products work!

Sam Watson, Executive Chef 假日酒店

State已经成为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站公司认可的供应商之一. They have brought a wide range of efficient products that have improved the quality level and budget of our company. I’d recommend State to any company.

Jay Guzman, Operational Manager ;

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站最近为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的空调系统购买并安装了一个Fragrance Central™. 该计划已经实施了大约四个月,并且超出了澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的预期. I would highly recommend this program for any hotel or establishment that wants to enhance customer satisfaction.

Hotel Director of Operations

我亲眼目睹了国家给澳门威尼斯人赌城网站医院的商用厨房下水道带来的好处. 他们提供的服务高效、简洁、可靠. 我也见证了他们的润滑脂- b - gone®产品在澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的隔油器上的功效. 我会向任何需要排水处理的人推荐State.

Facility Director

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站镇中心是一栋老旧的建筑,有点发霉了. 香味立方™清新的空间和过滤的方式,通过澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的两层中庭.

Purchasing Manager

PEN®在除锈和保持机器良好润滑方面表现出色. 它比我用过的任何渗透性油都好. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的一些机器被埋在泥里,一起生锈了. PEN®具有穿透积聚和松动部件的能力, allowing me to restore, repair and reassemble the tractors. 它确实节省了我拆卸零件的时间. It's a great product.

Shop Foreman, Construction And Maintenance

人们的看法是,如果酒店房间闻起来不好闻,那么它就不干净. 嗅觉是顾客第一印象的一部分. 走廊和洗手间的香氛工厂非常成功. There has been a 10% increase in customer satisfaction in terms of room odor and cleanliness since using the Fragrance Factory systems.

Hotel General Manager

We have been a State customer since 2003. We use Fragrance Factories®, D-Stroy®和许多其他产品,以保持澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的卫生间干净,闻起来很好. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站喜欢客户经理为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站提供的优质服务.

Operations Manager

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站需要客户经理的时候,他总是在澳门威尼斯人赌城网站身边. 我喜欢他照顾好一切. 他甚至为香氛工厂®提供和更换电池. 多亏了国家,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的浴室看起来和闻起来都很好.


“我只想说,州立大学一直是(法医办公室)的一个伟大供应商。. 国家为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站提供洗手液以及卫生间和淋浴香精分配器. 感谢您对澳门威尼斯人赌城网站设施的维护和持续支持.

Administrative Building Manager

对于酒店的客房服务员来说,保持客房清洁和无异味是一项挑战, 特别是如果房间里允许吸烟的话. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的州客户经理有一个秘密武器——叫做Foam Force™. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站已经用了近两年了,它真是太棒了. All we have to do is spray it on the carpet. 你不需要吸尘,它几乎可以立即起作用.

Hotel Manager

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站已经使用国家解决方案一年多了,它们非常棒. State provides us with their One Solution™ dilution system for all of our housekeeping needs as well as their air freshening Fragrance Factories®, 让澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的厕所闻起来清新干净.

Property Manager

We decided to do business with State because of the added benefits that came with doing business with them. 他们的产品效果很好,而且成本效益也很高.

Property Manager

The best part about doing business with State is that our account manager conducts bi-monthly service visits in which he services and maintains the equipment as well as our inventory. 他甚至为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站更换了香水工厂®的香水包. Such great service! 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站期待着在未来的岁月里与国家做生意.

Property Manager

我向澳门威尼斯人赌城网站州的客户经理提出了我的问题,她立即制定了一个行动计划. She introduced the Fragrance Cube™, 在投入使用前,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站用了几天的时间来测试它的功效. 不用说,我的导师、团队和住院医生都爱上了我! 太喜欢了,所以澳门威尼斯人赌城网站又订购了两套,而且很喜欢柑橘绿茶的香味. This is an A+ option!

Community Director

我有一个密封的瓶子,里面装着从厨房烟囱里取出的硬球大小的一团油脂. 当澳门威尼斯人赌城网站把油脂- b - gone倒进瓶子里, 在不到15分钟的时间里,这团污泥变成了污泥.

Property Management Senior Regional Manager

We implemented a Grease-B-Gone® program in August 2017 and I evaluated the success at the end of March 2018. 在这段时间里,我能够减少94清理厨房堆叠的费用.5%. 当我把这6个月的油脂成本加进去, 这比去年的实际开支节省了56%. 按年计算,这为公司节省了超过20,000美元的成本.

Property Management Senior Regional Manager

Since starting the Grease-B-Gone® program, the superintendent has not received any late night calls for sink over flows and residents have not come home to dirty sludge on their kitchen floor.

Property Management Senior Regional Manager

我完全认可Grease-B-Gone®是一种具有成本效益的替代方案,可以替代每年对厨房烟囱进行电力冲洗. 我很高兴与国家的任何潜在客户分享我的经验并讨论我的实施情况.

Property Management Senior Regional Manager

I have been using State for a few years now and am very pleased with the service as well as the product performance. I love the disinfectant line. 自从我转到州立医院工作以来,我看到员工和住院医生生病的情况减少了.

Facility Director

我已经在我的保险办公室使用国家空气护理产品一年多了. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的客户经理和她的团队的服务质量是惊人的. 他们定期来为我的账户服务, 给我不同的选择,让我的生意好起来. 我经常有客户和我的团队成员评论我的大楼里的气味有多棒. 我会向任何企业主推荐State,并给他们10颗星的评级!

Insurance Agent

我经常在洗头间隙使用Pile Driver®去除污渍. 它确实使澳门威尼斯人赌城网站不必更换许多地毯.

Maintenance Superintendent

一个体面的地毯保养计划,使用地毯提取机和国家地毯护理产品, 让这40套公寓里的地毯看起来像新的一样.

Maintenance Superintendent


Maintenance Superintendent

[新泽西地区]教育委员会几年来一直在使用州立产品, 但澳门威尼斯人赌城网站想尝试另一家公司的另一款产品,于是决定换一年. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站回到了State,从那以后就一直和他们在一起,因为他们生产的产品很结实.

Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds

自从切换到国家的一个解决方案™系统, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站大大减少了清洁化学品的开支. 这个系统对我的员工来说很容易使用,产品也很有效. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站甚至从租客那里收到了许多关于改用绿色产品的积极评价.

Maintenance Manager

作为三家独立酒店的总经理, 对我来说,能接触到我的供应商是非常重要的. My relations with State is excellent.

General Manager

在过去的一年里,国务院为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的设施提供了一个排水护理维护计划. 润滑脂- b - gone®的持续应用降低了管道和厨房烟囱的清洁成本.

Condominium Manager

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的居民很欣赏澳门威尼斯人赌城网站积极主动地处理他们的排水管道. 润滑脂- b - gone®有效地去除脂肪,油和油脂(雾),并具有良好的柑橘香味. Slow-running drains are quickly restored. 因此,给水管工打电话是微不足道的,尤其是在周末. 因此,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的主管有更多的时间做其他项目.

Condominium Manager

At the present time, because of our Grease-B-Gone® program we are delaying our regular kitchen stack cleaning and saving thousands of dollars. We have just signed for our second year of treatment and are confident in recommending the performance of Grease-B-Gone®.

Condominium Manager


约翰Ruetz 400 Beach Seafood & 利用

There used to be buildup on the dining room floors around the door mats and booths that I couldn’t get rid of with other cleaners. Even using a deck brush proved useless. Scentastic™能够通过我的拖把和一点压力吃这些斑点. Avance™ Kitchen Kleen cut through three years of grease buildup on one of the kitchen walls in one use – another issue I tried to eliminate multiple times prior without success. 我对我的餐厅现在的辉煌感到非常高兴.

马克·圣. 约翰 Barry’s Bagels

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的州客户经理做得很好. 他总是很准时,我一打电话就过来.

玛丽亚Romo CiCi’s Decatur

自2014年以来,Commonwealth Senior Living与State建立了伙伴关系. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站在所有领域的经验都是卓越的. 这包括产品、服务、响应时间和新社区的添加. 运营团队积极主动,真正关心澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的成功. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站期待着现在和将来与国务院合作.

Bob Raymond, Vice President Procurement & Dining 服务s Commonwealth Senior Living


Andrew Curren The Kelly’s half shell family

State is always prompt on our service calls and provides quality assistance on all our equipment and requirements. 总的来说,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站非常满意,并向其他公司推荐了State.

Andrew Curren

The service and attention that we receive from our representative combined with the quality and effectiveness of the products makes using State Chemical an easy choice.

George Rister, Director of Operations La Playa Mexican Café

State has provided our restaurant, 伦尼餐厅费城费城人春训的主场, 克利尔沃特, 佛罗里达, 拥有超过35年的优质服务和洗碗产品.

丹·法雷尔 伦尼餐厅费城费城人春训的主场

State已成为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站设施的重要组成部分. 当澳门威尼斯人赌城网站把他们带上船时,他们确保一切顺利. 从澳门威尼斯人赌城网站以前的供应商到State的转变非常平静,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站部门没有错过任何一个节拍.

Thomas Bright, Director of Dietary 服务s Mount Alverna Care Center

State’s technicians and customer service representatives never disappoint and show how customers are truly valued. 他们知识渊博,关心自己所做的事情.

Thomas Bright, Director of Dietary 服务s Mount Alverna Care Center


Richard Pannullo, Owner Pannullo’s Italian Restaurant

我很荣幸在国务院工作了五年. Throughout that time, 它们一直保持着充足的库存水平, performed routine maintenance on our equipment and responded immediately to any service calls or emergency needs. 在澳门威尼斯人赌城网站业务中如此关键的领域,我真的找不到更好的合作伙伴了.

Brad Smith, Area General Manager Quaker Steak & 润滑油

我甚至无法用语言来表达这是一家多么伟大的公司. 从优质的客户服务到出色的产品,这家公司是一流的.

Kim Young, Purchasing Manager Winstar World Casino Hotel

我把国家化工公司和其他知名化工公司作过比较, 没有任何一家公司的服务和产品能接近甚至比得上他们. If we run short on product, 有机械问题或需要产品建议, these guys are all over it.

Kim Young, Purchasing Manager Winstar World Casino Hotel

This is the kind of service that we provide to our guests and it is always nice to find a vendor that gives the same level of service to us.

Hotel Manager